Current Animation Reel:
Animation Samples:
Modeling Samples:
5k renders, and videos of a C14 Timberwolf Sniper Rifle and a Rucksack that I modeled and textured for Soldier Training Assets and Combat Training Simulators.
C14 Timberwolf Sniper:
Poly count: 2,616
Texture Map Size: 1024x1024
Maps: Diffuse and an AO bake.
Poly count: 3,492
Texture Map Size: 1024x1024
Maps: Diffuse, Specular, Normal Map and an AO bake.
60mm Mortar
Poly count: 2,906 - Includes Scope, small and large base plates.
1024x1024 texture map
Maps: Diffuse and AO Bake
Posed Robot. WUCHA!
Here is a 4k render of my environment. It is of a Jumbo Video, located in Upper Tantallon Nova Scotia.